Outcome Document and Explanatory Remarks of the 2023 Academy and Conference now online!

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The tangible output of the third edition of the Annual Academy and Conference “Human Rights Go Local – What Works”, the Outcome Document and Explanatory Remarks, are now online!

The document is a collection of encouragements to local governments made by Academy participants. Further, it gathers and makes available the expertise and best practises gathered during the Academy’s discussions. This year’s Outcome Document contains 12 calls to action for local governments. These encouragements can be used as a model for integrating human rights into local public management practises in accordance with the UN’s goal of “leaving no one behind.”

The Outcome Document and Explanatory Remarks of the 2023 Academy and Conference encourage local governments around the world to incorporate human rights objectives into their public management systems. This is based on the belief that human rights standards and principles apply to all levels of government and should guide the development and implementation of programmes, services, and budget allocations.


If you want to discuss how to implement these encouragements effectively in your city, get in touch with us!