About us

The International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels under the auspices of UNESCO was established in Graz, Austria. It fosters the implementation of human rights at the local and regional levels by promoting a human rights-based approach to inclusive social development. The Centre’s activities encompass research, capacity-building, international cooperation, and networking.

The Centre’s work programme, which is primarily directed at the local level, is anchored in the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the New Urban Agenda as well as the International Human Rights Agenda. The Centre puts its central focus particularly on SDG 11, which aims at making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Thus, the Centre directly contributes to Agenda 2030’s promise to “leave no one behind” and to the realisation of human rights for all.

The basis for the Centre’s global scope is derived from nearly 20 years of experience in fostering the implementation of human rights in the City of Graz and the Province of Styria, as well as in the framework of Austrian and European projects. The Centre conducts all activities a multi-disciplinary manner that puts in-depth, analytical understanding at its core.

The new Human Rights Lab acts as an arena to test, model, and scale successful practices of human rights monitoring, reporting and documentation, and institution-building for European and cross-regional implementation. At the same time, the Centre synthesises global best practices on the local implementation of human rights, contextualises them for the local level, and supports local authorities in their realisation.

The bulk of expertise is made available in a unique Clearinghouse for human rights, as which the Centre draws together resources and expertise from across the globe. In this function, the Centre also hosts an innovative academic format to encourage the exchange of international experts and professionals from the field.

As a hub connecting the international, regional, and local agendas on the implementation and realisation of human rights at the local level, the Centre takes on three core functions:

  • as facilitator for the implementation of human rights, it strengthens the institutional and human capacities for inclusive and equitable policy-making.
  • As moderator for exchange, it mobilises expertise from research and practice and stimulates exchange between stakeholders.
  • Finally, as bridge builder, the Centre connects the international with the local levels and brings together stakeholders for fruitful dialogue to solve societal challenges.

For the next years, the Centre’s work to foster human rights-based decision-making in policy and practice concentrates on four main strands:

The Centre is open to cooperation and is happy to offer its expertise to all stakeholders in the form of consulting, training, or research.

(April 2020)