DDr. Renate Kicker, the Director of the Foundation for the Promotion of Human Rights at Local and Regional Levels, was honoured with the prestigious Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria (Großes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich). Renate Kicker is the Chairwoman of the Human Rights Advisory Board to the Austrian Ombudsman Board. She has extensive experience in international law and human rights protection, and is an internationally renowned expert in the field. Ombudsman Bernhard Achitz presented the award on behalf of the President of the Federal Republic and stated, “Professor Kicker communicates effectively and avoids unnecessary conflict. Her merit lies in building trusting relationships and treating all stakeholders with respect.”
Congratulations on this outstanding achievement!
Read more here (in German): http://www.volksanwaltschaft.gv.at/artikel/renate-kicker-mit-grossem-ehrenzeichen-fuer-verdienste-um-die-republik-ausgezeichnet
Photo credit: Austrian Ombudsman Board