Combatting racism and discrimination at the local level: experiences, strategies and lessons learnt

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Hybrid panel at III Foro Mundial de Derechos Humanos

Buenos Aires, Argentina

20 March 2023, 9am Argentinian time (GMT-3)

The hybrid panel “Combatting racism and discrimination at the local level: experiences, strategies and lessons learnt” aims to bring key international actors together to share perspectives and exchange strategies, policies, and success stories related to combating racism and xenophobia at the local level. The local level will be highlighted as an important arena for combating racism and discrimination. The panel will show how International Organisations and their city coalitions support developing Attainable sustainable solutions for cities.

Panelists will discuss their practical experiences as well as present concrete frameworks and outputs from the UNESCO Roadmap against Racism, the ICCAR Global Policy Dialogues, the ECCAR Toolkit for Equality, the Toolkit for Urban Inclusion, and others. The panel is aimed at local level human rights actors, particularly local authorities and their representatives, but it is relevant to all human rights actors working on racism and discrimination.

The panel will last 90 minutes and take place in English. It is part of the III Foro Mundial de Derechos Humanos, taking place between 20 and 24 March in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Register here:



Windi Arini, Programme Officer at Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, based in Jakarta, Indonesia

Livia Perschy, Project Officer at the International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels, based in Graz, Austria

Gyonggu Shin, Director of Gwangju International Center based in Gwangju, South Korea

Benedetto Zacchiroli, President of the European Coalition of Cities Against Racism (ECCAR), based in Rome, Italy

Abdelaziz Zaki, National Programme Officer at UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States, based in Cairo, Egypt



Wanda Tiefenbacher, Senior researcher at the International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels, hosting from Buenos Aires, Argentina